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Application NoteHD and SD Analog Component Video SpatialDistortion Measurements with the VM6000Requi

Application Note

HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial

Distortion Measurements with the VM6000

Requirements for Managing Display Formatting in Analog Component

HD and SD Video SignalsWith many combinations of video displays and signal formats

available during the SD/HD transition, the consumer could

easily be missing a part of the picture. Important areas in

the picture are protected in program production, using

safe-action and safe-title guidelines, but these will become

less important in the future as a more viewers watch

programs in wide-screen, High Definition formats. A partial

solution to this issue is aspect ratio conversion to fit the

signal to the viewer’s chosen display format.

Additional issues remain, including conversion between

almost-similar standards, for example the fit of a program

converted from the standard definition serial digital 601format, with 720 samples per line, for transmission in the 704 samples per line ATSC digital broadcast format.Reformatting can require that images are fit into a newaspect ratio, width vs. height, truncating one side or theother of the original picture. This reformatting presentsproblems for equipment manufacturers, broadcasters, editors, and other video professionals because equipmentmay be set to incorrect modes or malfunction. TheVM6000 Spatial Distortion measurement providesa precise measure of fit, shift, offset, and cropping ormissing picture elements, between a converted picturesignal and a reference, industry standard display format.


HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial DistortionMeasurements with the VM6000

Application Note

VM6000 Spatial Distortion Measurement

The Spatial Distortion measurement provides a point-by-point positional comparison of the incoming signal vs. astored reference bitmap version of the same signal. Fromthis comparison, the VM6000 determines the horizontalstart and end, vertical start and end, horizontal and verticalsize and offset, and any spatial offsets within the field orframe. This provides a measurement of any undesirable distortions created by a device under test when an originaltest signal in one format, for example, is converted toanother format.

The Terms of Spatial Distortion

When a video picture conforms exactly to an electricalvideo format, it will fit every element of a display designedexactly for that format. The picture will start at the correctlocation at the top, be positioned correctly left to right, andend as expected at the bottom. The viewer will see thewhole picture, with nothing extra. If the display physical format also matches the intended picture format, width vs.height or aspect ratio, picture elements will appear undistorted.Spatial Distortion is a measure of how a picture matches its intended electrical video format, and will be measured in terms of position on an ideal display.


Video horizontal or vertical positioning or shift:Picture elements may be shifted up or down, to the left or right.Unwanted blank areas may be introduced where picturewould be expected, and the picture may be extended intovertical and/or horizontal blanking areas.

Picture cropping or missing picture elements nearedges:Picture elements may be missing, cut off andreplaced by blanking.

Size and aspect ratio distortions:The picture may be reformatted incorrectly for display, i.e., a 4x3 aspect ratio picture filling the full active video line time may appearstretched if a widescreen receiver is set to display a16x9 picture.

The block diagram in Figure 1 describes the VM6000Spatial Distortion measurement.


HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial Distortion

Measurements with the VM6000

Application Note

Intermediate steps in the measurement include rescalingboth the test and reference images. They are both upsampledfor better accuracy in the VM6000, though in the horizontaldimension the original acquisition engine sample rate isoften already sufficient, in which case the application maynot upsample any more. The final results reported are all interms of the reference; for example the test horizontal scalerelative to the reference is the ratio of widths of test andreference mapped images. Mapped images are the portionsof test and reference images that have a correspondingpixel in the other. As an example of how all results are in reference units: if the active part of a test image is 10 greater than it's matching part of the reference, even though the testimage was perhaps, for example, cropped to be 87 ofthe reference width, the "H Scaling ()" result would be110.0. In this example, the total cropped test image pixels would be (100-87)*110 = 14.3, but the measurement reports the left and right pixels whichtogether would be100-87 = 13 reference pixels…if the reference is 1280 pixels wide, the total cropping (left right) would be 13*1280 pixels = 166.4 pixels.




HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial DistortionMeasurements with the VM6000

Application Note

Spatial Distortion is a comparison between a picture from a device under test and a reference .bmp file stored in theVM6000 user directory. The VM6000 automatically detectsthe format of the signal from the device under test, for example,1080i60, and compares the incoming picture to a stored.bmp file, in this format example c:vmappsOptHDSDRefBmpsM1080.bmp.

The Spatial Distortion measurement is selected under theConfiguration>Measurements tab. Limits and Reference values, and Relative results reported, if enabled under theConfiguration>Reference and Limits tab. Press the RUNbutton to run the measurement.Vertical Picture Distortions

Figure 2. Spatial Distortion relative to a reference bitmap.

Measuring Spatial Distortion with the VM6000

As with other automatic VM6000 measurements, theResults>Spatial Distortion>Relative tab provides a quick reference for measurement against ideal values.

This report, Figure 2, indicates the picture is positioned correctly at the top of the frame (Top Crop and VerticalOffset), and all lines are visible with about 1/3 extra blanklines at the bottom of the frame. The left of the picture isnot cropped, but the active video line starts about 8 pixelsto the left of its expected position. The picture is stretchedby about 0.11 horizontally extending about 59 pixels intothe horizontal front porch. Horizontal blanking crops about3 pixels at the right of the frame. Limit File values have beenexceeded for horizontal position, so the measurementreports FAIL. These deviations could be acceptable for manyapplications and the Reference and Limits Files could beadjusted as described later in this application note for anappropriate match to expected performance. Consumerequipment, for example often offers a selection of formatconversions for display of one signal aspect ratio, perhaps16x9 on a legacy 4x3 aspect ratio display.

Top Crop (Lines):This value is a measurement of linesmissing or cropped out of the visible picture at the top of a display. A positive value indicates the number of linescropped; a negative value would indicate a number of extranon-blank lines found in the test image but not found in thereference bitmap image.

Bottom Crop (Lines): The number of lines missing at the bottom of the picture. Extra non-blank lines in the testimage, not found in the reference image are reported as a negative value.

First Active Line:The line number of the first active line of video. This could be different than the first picture line if the picture does not register with the horizontal/verticalblanking window.

Last Active Line:The line number of the last active line ofvideo or picture blanking.

V Scaling (): The relative vertical size of the active picture,regardless of position, vs. the stored reference .bmp image.V Offset (Lines): The position of the start of the picture at the top of the display, vs. the corresponding line of thestored .bmp image.



HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial Distortion

Figure 3. Spatial Distortion measured values.

Horizontal Picture Distortions

Left Crop (Pixels):This value is a measurement of pictureelements (pixels) missing or cropped out of the visiblepicture at the left of a display. A positive value indicates thenumber of pixels cropped; a negative value would indicate a number of extra non-blank pixels found in the test imagebut not found in the reference bitmap image.

Right Crop (Pixels):The number of pixels missing at theright edge of the picture. Extra non-blank pixels in the testimage, not found in the reference image are reported as a negative value.

H Start (Pixels):The indent from the left edge of the picture,in pixels. This could be different than the electrical blankingedge if the picture does not register with the horizontal/vertical blanking window.

H End (Pixels):The pixel number of the last active pictureelement at the right edge of the display.

H Scaling ():The relative horizontal size of the activepicture, regardless of position, vs. the stored reference .bmpimage. This is calculated using the standard pixel (sample)clock rate for the given format.

H Offset (Pixels):The position of the start of the picture atthe left edge of the display, vs. the corresponding pixel ofthe stored .bmp image.

Spatial Distortion Reference and Limits FilesReference and Limits Files are included by default for full-screen video in each of the standard VM6000 formats,and may be custom configured for this measurement tomatch the expected output of a device under test. Anychanges to default values may then be stored for later recall in a .vmset file under the File>Save (or Recall)Setup menu.

Measurements with the VM6000

Application Note

Figure 4.Manual selection of a Limits File.

Note that Manual selection of a Reference or Limits File willnot automatically select a corresponding Reference BitmapFile. Automatic (default) selection will follow the signalformat, and Manual selection breaks away from the formatto provide independent selection for each file type. Reference and Limits Files

Default Reference and Limits Files for each pre-definedcomponent video format are supplied with the VM6000 for user convenience and may be modified to fit the user’s specification application. The appropriate file is automatically determined by default when a format isselected, or a user-created file may be loaded manuallyunder Configuration>Reference & Limits>Limits (or>Reference) Selection. Select Manual, and Select LimitsFile (or Select Reference File) to see the RefLimFilesdirectory. To display these files, select file type .csv. Savethe default file for possible future reference and modify acopy of the original file. The modified file will become thedefault file if the original filename is retained. If saved under a new filename, the file may be accessed manually.



HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial DistortionMeasurements with the VM6000

Application Note

To access a Limits File manually, under the Reference & Limits tab, Enable Limit Testing and select Manual.Clicking on Select Limits File brings up a user directorycontaining RefLimFiles and other user information. SelectFiles of type: CSV Limit Files (.csv), to see available files.Note that Reference and Limits Files are both in the sameuser directory, and that Reference Files can similarly berecalled in the Relative Result Display box at the left ofthe Reference & Limits display.

VM6000 User Reference and Limits Files are located inthe C:VMApps directory. The Spatial Distortion sectionof a typical (DefaultLim1080i60-YPbPr.csv) Limits Fileopened in Microsoft™ Excel might read as in Figure 5,with the Min Limit in the middle column and Max Limit in the right column.

The user may modify any of the Min or Max values in theLimits File.

Reference Files (i.e. DefaultRef1080i60YPbPr) are similar, but with a single target value for each parameter. TheConfiguration>Reference & Limits>Relative Result display>,also provides an opportunity to capture actual measurement(Capture Results as Reference) of a device under test, whichmay then be saved as a Reference File for comparison withfuture measurements.



HD and SD Analog Component Video Spatial Distortion

Measurements with the VM6000

Application Note

Images to avoid are:

Images with repeating patterns that might give ambiguousshift vs. cropping results, such as typical convergencepatterns or full color bars (with every line the same)Very low contrast images, or "flat" images in theluminance channel (the luminance channel, or luminancederived from RGB is used for this measurement)Images that have a constant vertical column averages(averaging pixels along the vertical for each column gives same result as any other column)

Likewise along the horizontal: images that have aconstant horizontal row average (line average for eachline is the same)

Other Reference Picture Files to avoid include synthetic zeromean test signals superimposed (added) to pedestal signalssuch as full screen sweeps and symmetrical full screen zoneplate signals. Typical video scenes do not have any of theseproblems. Most matrix signals and test signals with bothhorizontal and vertical changes in mean signal level will work properly.

Spatial Distortion Reference Files may be manually loadedunder the Results>Spatial Distortion tab. Select Manual and Browse to bring up the RefBmps directory of storedReference Bitmaps. You would store any user bitmaps inthis directory, C:VMAppsOptHDSDRefBmps as files oftype .bmp.

Figure 6. Manual selection of a Spatial Distortion Reference File.

Reference Bitmap Files

Default Tektronix Matrix Signal full screen bitmap (BMP) picture files for each of the VM6000’s pre-defined formatsare supplied for reference. Versions of these files are alsoavailable as compressed ES, DVD, H.264, and ATSC transport streams for use with the Tektronix RTX130series RF sources.

Customer video signals may also be used, withcorresponding .bmp reference formats. The user maychange this .bmp file to suit the measurement need, or manually select an appropriate file.

Best results are obtained if the picture has lots of edges and uniquely identifiable portions of the image, with large differences across both horizontal and vertical dimensions.




Measurement, evaluation and documentation of Spatial Distortion, through the video production chain, and particularly in the development of consumer formatconversion devices is critical.

The Tektronix VM6000 Automated Standard and HighDefinition Measurement Set provides the tools to evaluateSpatial Distortion as part of a full suite of comprehensive,time-efficient automated measurements through productdevelopment and production. Full automation of thisotherwise time consuming measurement make it both efficient and practical.

The VM6000, with its automated Spatial Distortionmeasurement can dramatically reduce development,validation, and production time, while providing a benefitfor both the consumer and program provider. It is your unseen contributor to viewer satisfaction.

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Updated 15 September 2006

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