debounce原理 debounce是什么意思?
debounce 英[dɪ"baʊns] 美[dɪ"baʊns] [词典] [计] 防反跳 [例句]On a cable disconnect-to-connect a debounce delay is incorporated.在一个电缆断开到连接去抖延时注册。
extra bounce的中文翻译 extra bounce 额外弹跳 双语例句
1 Now that final exams are history, you seem to have that extra bounce. 期末考试已经成为过去式,你们看起来格外有活力。
2 Kick serve: A serve hit with heavy spin, usually resulting in extra bounce when it lands. 旋转发球:发出的球强烈旋转,通常在地面弹起时产生异常。
3 How to reach al dente: For the boiled noodles, the chef uses a technique he swears by to get that extra bounce. 如何把面煮得弹牙:皮塔克大厨在煮面条时运用了一种技巧,他发誓这种方法可以让面条超有弹性。
bounce 跳;弹跳,引申义:
1. 支票退票
2.[主英国英语]说大话空话,吹牛3.不断改变主意4. [美国俚语]会账5.[废语]猛敲,捶击希望对你有帮助。
debounce原理 debounce什么意思 实现一个debounce函数