11 电脑与因特网

Topic-centered ActivitiesComputer and Internet 电脑与英特网Part 1:Key Wordsattachment /cyberspace /intrane

Topic-centered Activities

Computer and Internet 电脑与英特网

Part 1:Key Words

attachment /cyberspace /intranet 局域网/search engine blog /dial up /IP address /spam 垃圾邮件

bookmark 自动记录访问过的网站的标签/domain name 域名,即网址ISP 互联网服务提供商(InternetService Provider) /surf

broadband /download /link /URL 统一资源网址(很多以http://www.开始)browser /email /mailbox /virus

chat, text /emoticon /modem /VoIP 网络电话

chat, video /filter /net bar /web page

chat, voice /firewall /netiquette /website

cookie 包含用户计算机信息的文件/FTP 文件传输协议(filetransfer protocal) netizen /wifi 无限网络/cyber cafe /hacker

pornography /cyber crime /instant messaging /icon

hub 集线器,可连接多台电脑/router 路由器,连接多个逻辑上分开的网络virtual reality /@/attachment /monitor /mouse

CD-ROM /download /laptop /printer /speaker

1. I e-mailed my picture to her as ______.

2. My dial-up connection was too slow, so I upgraded to a ______connection.

3. Internet Explorer may be the most popular ______but I still used Netscape 网景.

4. In order to keep hackers away, the company installed a ______on its network.

5. When you need to find information online, you can use one of the many ______.

6. Advertisers send so much ______to my mailbox that I spend a lot of time deleting it.

7. Parents install software filters to keep their kids from watching ______online.

8. If you want to go to that page, you need to click on its ______which is underlined.

9. When I ______with my friends, I can use text, voice and video.

10. When you visit a website, it always tries to put a ______in your computer.

11. Some MP3songs are free online and can be ______.

12. I need to install some anti-______software on my computer to keep it safe.

13. The company network was broken into by a ______who stole a lot



of data.

14. ______is a set of rules on how to behave online.

15. Since my computer was down, I had to go to a ______to surf the


16. The whole realm of Internet surfing is called ______.

Part 2:Western Culture

1. The Internet was invented in America but the Web wasn't. The

Internet started as a US Defense Department research project. America and other countries are working on deploying 有效地利用the next version of the Internet, based on the protocol 协议IPv6,which will be more secure and even faster.

2. The US still retains control over the root (central)servers

(computers)of the Internet but other nations want control transferred to the United Nations.

3. The most common top domain is “.com”.Other top domains include


4. More and more Americans are switching from dial-up to broadband

connections so as to download music and movies.

5. The biggest Internet portals 入口in terms of traffic volume include

Yahoo and Google. Yahoo offers all kinds of services such as a search engine, mailboxes ,and all kinds of information.

6. Some recent trends in using the Internet among photo albums, and

setting up blogs and podcasts 播客.

7. E-commerce is big business in the US. All kinds of companies use

it to conduct business. Examples include banks, bookstores, travel agencies ,retailers and so on. “Amazon.com”was one of the earliest big adopters of this business model. Its online store sells many goods including books ,music and movies.

8. Connecting to the Internet can be done through many ISPs 互联网服

务提供商such as America Online (AOL),MSN and Earthlink.

9. One big application of the Internet is Voice-over-IP (VoIP)网络

电话,which allows people to make online phone calls that are much cheaper than traditional ones.

Part 3:Discussion

1. Do you think children should play computer games?


2. Talk about the positive and negative effects of the Internet on

modern society.




3. What do you think of cyber-friends?


4. Work in groups and talk about the topic:plagiarism and the Internet. 回答:

Part 4:Composition

Prepare a short speech on one of these three topics.

1. Computers will take over the world.

2. How have computers changed society?

3. Virtual Reality

My Cyber Friend

Maybe you will never look me right in the eye...

Maybe you can't ever wipe my tears when I cry

Maybe we can't share some tea and honey...so sweet,

or walk together down a path...or up the street.

But we can still be good friends because, you see,

we met on the internet, you and me.

And when you have a "cyber" friend it matters not...

how you look, what you wear, or what you've got.

I don't care if your last name is Smith or Jones,

or if your size is perfect, plump, or skin and bones.




and in there for me, been a pal through thick and thin... shared my glad times... my sad times -you made me grin.

So I have sent this page to you, dear friend so fine...

to tell you I'm so glad you're a pal of mine.



And here's a hug, though not with arms, for that can't be...

But it's a hug straight from my heart... to you, from me!


1. Screen/monitor显示器2. Modem 调制解调器3. Speaker 音箱

4. Floppy disk drive 软驱5. CD-ROMS 光盘6. Keyboard 键盘

7. CD-ROM drive 光驱8. Printer 打印机9. Floppy disk 软盘10. Mouse 鼠标

11. Mouse pad/mat鼠标垫

26. Desk-top computer 台式电脑

27. Laptop computer /Notebook computer 笔记本电脑

28. The Internet/thenet 英特网29. Surf the net 网上冲浪、浏览

30. World Wide Web/WWW/theWeb 万


31. Get online 上网32. Website 网站33. Home page 主页

34. Computer game 电脑游戏

12. IT/informationtechnology 信息35. E-mail 电子邮件

技术36. Virtual reality 虚拟世界13. Hardware 硬件37. Virus 病毒14. Software 软件38. Word processor 文字处理15. Program 程序39. Icon 图标16. Hard disk 硬盘40. Browser 浏览器17. Cursor 光标41. Browsing the Internet 浏览互联

网18. Double click 双击

19. Format 格式化42. Cyber café网吧20. @=at 43. Cyber-friend 网友21. “.”=dot 44. Hacker 黑客22. Pentium =processor奔腾处理器45. Hi-tech 高科技23. KB =kilobyte 字节(1024)46. Login 登录24. GB =gigabyte =gig 硬盘的大小47. Password 密码

(1024 3) 48. PC =personal computer 个人电脑25. MB =megabyte =meg 兆(文件的




The advantages of computers

1. Computers let you access a lot of information.

2. Computers let you communicate very quickly, by e-mail or using the


3. Computers can do some jobs very quickly, for example sending out

large numbers of letters or bills.

4. Computers make it possible to work from home.

5. Word processors make it easier to write letters and reports, and

to do work for school or college.

6. Children enjoy using computers, and multimedia, interactive

software and virtual reality all make learning more exciting. Many books are now available on CD-ROM.

7. Large amounts of information can be stored on computer in a database. The disadvantages of computers

1. Many people do not like using computers, and would prefer to deal

with a person instead, for example, withdrawing money from ATM or from a bank counter.

2. Computers can get viruses.

3. Software often has bugs, and sometimes computers crash.

4. Some children spend too much time playing computer games, which

can be very violent.

5. Anyone can put information or images on the Internet, so it can

easily be used by criminals to communicate with each other, or to send pornography (pictures,film, or writing that show sexual acts). There are no laws to stop this yet, and it is extremely difficult to police the Internet.

6. Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced.

7. If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how

to fix it, and this can be very annoying.

