安徽大学硕士学位论文神经网络在长三角农业信息网站评价中的应用研究姓名:李佰承申请学位级别:硕士专业:情报学指导教师:周瑛2010-04 ,摘 要农业是国民经济的基础产业
,摘 要
,针对各种当前农业信息网站评价方法不一, 各种评价方法得到的评价结果的不同,评价方式有各种不足之处,不能很好地反映当前农业信息网站的发展水平,为了更客观合理地对农业信息网站进行评价,本文尝试利用人工神经网络本身具有并行处理数据、良好的容错、自适应和自学习以及较好的非线性功能等特性,对农业信息网站进行分析,构建人工神经网络模型,对农业信息网站评价方法进行改进。
1.概述了农业信息网站评价的目的,评价的原则,指标建立的原则和方法,为建立科学合理的评价指标体系和评价方法建立了理论依据,整理和分析了BP 神经网络的有关基础理论和相应算法,并详细叙述了BP 神经网络工具箱的使用方法,阐述了使用神经网络工具箱建立农业信息网站评价的步骤和详细过程,包括,数据的获取和预处理,评价模型的建立。
2.介绍了用神经网络对农业信息网站评价方法改进的原理及思路,并以BP 神经网络模型为基础建立了农业信息网站评价模型;并根据评价的特点和需要,建立了相应的农业信息网站评价指标体系,通过对评价指标体系进行深入细致的研究,并详细叙述了指标体系的评分方法和评分细则,最后对长三角农业信息网站的评价模型进行网络学习和网络评价,得出评价结果。
3.简要说明了在本文研究过程中的创新点和遇到的问题,同时对BP 神经网络评价结果进行分析,阐述了研究的不足之处,提出了改进意见,并对以后的工作进行了展望,为接下来进行此项研究的人提供有价值的参考意见和依据。 关键词:农业信息网站;BP 神经网络;网站评价;指标体系
Agriculture is the basic industry of national economy, agricultural development is a prerequisite of economic and social development, and agricultural information is the key factor in agricultural development, agricultural information website is the main content of agricultural information and important part of agricultural information, agricultural information website plays an important role in the development of agriculture in increasing, can be said that the development of modern agriculture, largely dependent on the information resources of agricultural information websites, from agricultural production, circulation and market all aspects of agricultural production provide farmers with agricultural information service platform, the platform includes technology, market information and agricultural policies, these are necessary for modern agriculture. Agriculture Information website provides information services for the agricultural good platform, through this platform, will be to promote the development of agricultural modernization. Current agricultural information website is under construction there different standards, different levels, repetitive, these problems appear to make agricultural information website evaluation was in importance.
Evaluation of agricultural information websites is the information on the existing site evaluation of agricultural, reflected from different angles, whether the agricultural information website to meet the current agricultural production and agricultural development needs, obtained more objectively existing results of the evaluation of agricultural information websites, what made the need to improve the content and requirements, service for the current agricultural development. For the current site evaluation of methods, such as analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, proposed the use of artificial neural network is the tool of one kind of site means of trying some innovations in evaluation methodology, make the site more objective evaluation methods effective and, to some extent make up for the
,deficiencies of traditional methods, from different sides and different point of view objectively reflect the actual level of the site. Only an objective and reasonable results are obtained in order to make the site better for agricultural services, promote a higher level of agricultural information, services Agriculture, New planning framework for achieving this goal, good for building new socialist rural areas of information security and information services.
From the last century 80's, began to apply artificial neural network technology in multidisciplinary field of artificial neural network algorithm has also been further developed, while experts in various disciplines of artificial neural network algorithm and the discipline of combining scientific research, including the fields of biology, pathology, psychology, mathematical sciences, computer science and electronics and information science, artificial neural networks in these areas to a large extent, promoted the development of various fields. Artificial neural networks are also applied to the evaluation of information resources, can promote the development of information resources evaluation, proposed evaluation method and evaluation of different models and the evaluation process. Evaluation because of the development of information resources, to better economic and social development for the good service, information resources, Results of the evaluation can provide economic and social development of reference.
Current agricultural information websites for a variety of different evaluation methods, a variety of evaluation methods of evaluation results obtained by different evaluation methods have various shortcomings, do not reflect the current level of development of agricultural information websites, in order to more objectively reasonable Assessment of agricultural information websites, this attempt to use artificial neural network parallel processing of data itself, a good fault-tolerant, adaptive and self-learning and better features for nonlinear functions, the analysis of agricultural information websites, build artificial neural networks model of agricultural information website evaluation to improve it.
This paper studies are:
1. Overview of the purpose of agricultural information website evaluation,
,evaluation of the principle of indicators to establish the principles and methods for establishing a scientific and reasonable evaluation index system and evaluation method to establish a theoretical basis, collation and analysis of the BP neural network algorithm for the basic theory and the corresponding and described in detail the use of BP neural network toolbox approach, using neural network toolbox described the establishment of agricultural information websites, and detailed process of evaluation steps, including data acquisition and pre-assessment model.
2. Describes the neural network of agricultural information website evaluation to improve the principles and ideas, and to BP neural network model based on the establishment of agricultural information website evaluation model; and based on the evaluation of the characteristics and needs, to establish the corresponding index of agricultural information website evaluation system, through the evaluation index system on the intensive study and detailed description of the index system of rating methods and rating rules, the last of the Yangtze River Delta agricultural information website evaluation model for network learning and network evaluation, with a result.
3. Briefly described in this paper the process of innovation and the problems encountered while on the BP neural network analysis of evaluation results, elaborated the inadequacies of the study, suggestions for improvement, and future work of the prospects for the next person who conducted the study to provide valuable advice and basis.
Key words: Agricultural information website; BP neural network; Site evaluation; Index system
图4-1 S型激活函数..................................................................................................21 图4-2 具有—个隐含层的简化网络图.....................................................................22 图4-3 实际应用的BP 网络结构图...........................................................................25 图4-4 农业信息网站评价神经网络模型建模流程图.............................................30 图5-1 网络学习和训练界面.....................................................................................36 图5-2 学习样本输入界面.........................................................................................37 图5-3 网络评价数据的输入.....................................................................................38 图5-4 评价结果的输出.............................................................................................39 表3-1 农业信息网站评价指标体系.........................................................................17 表3-2 农业信息网站评价指标体系评分细则.........................................................19 表5-1 农业信息网站评价模型学习样本及学习结果.............................................32 表5-2 安徽农业信息网站评价样本及评价结果.....................................................34 表5-3 江苏农业信息网站评价样本及评价结果.....................................................35 表5-4 浙江农业信息网站评价样本及评价结果.....................................................35 表5-5 上海农业信息网站评价样本及评价结果.....................................................35
,1 绪论
1 绪论
1.1 选题背景和研究意义
1.1.1 农业信息化与农业信息网站发展
自20世纪末以来,以Internet 技术和计算机技术为代表的信息技术迅速发展壮大和广泛使用,信息传递突破了时空的限制。通过Internet ,人们可以进行信息的搜索、查询和咨询等,了解和学习自身需要的信息和知识。而信息通过Internet 这种方式得到广泛的交流和传播,从而提高了农业生产和农产品流通的效率。农业生产的发展壮大需要大量与农业生产有关的各式各样的信息,这些信息涉及许多领域,如气象,土壤、环境、农业技术和农产品市场信息等。关于农业信息化的理解,现在还没有一个标准的定义,有的认为它是计算机技术在农业上的应用,有人认为它是通信技术在农业上的应用,也有人认为它是农业信息服务的高度发达阶段。综合各方观点得出农业信息化不仅包括计算机技术,还应包括微电子技术、通信技术、光电技术、遥感技术等多项技术在农业上普遍而系统的应用,其目标都是为实现农业信息资源的高度共享[1]。因此,农业信息化可被理解为在农业生产、分配、交换、消费四个环节中,通过普遍采用信息技术和电子信息装备,更有效、更合理地开发利用各种农业资源包括自然资源、人才资源和知识、信息资源等,提高农业产业的现代化水平,推动
(1)拥有独立的域名和主机的站点;(2)没有独立域名,使用虚拟主机的独立的站点;(3)没有独立的域名和主机点,使用虚拟目录并有独立完整的信息体系的站点。从1994年农业部信息中心率先创建“中国农业信息网”开始,我国农业信息化建设取得了很大的发展,我国农业信息网站如雨后春笋般遍布各个省、自治区和直辖市[5]。截至2008 年底,农村网民规模已达到8460 万人,年增长率超过60,远高于城镇网民35.6的增长率。在2008 年新增的8800 万网民中,新增的农村网民有3190 万人,农村互联网持续快速发展[6]。
农业信息网站是农业信息化主要的发展方向,农业信息网站的快速发展,有力地促进了农业信息化的发展,在农业政策法规、农业新闻、农业科技、市场信息、分析预测、农村实用技术、农业气象信息、招商引资、供求信息等为农民提供实用的信息方面发挥着巨大的作用,促进农民增产增收,使得农民快速致富,走上富裕的小康道路上发挥着重要的作用。同时我们也应当看到Internet 给我们提供方便的同时也有许多的不利之处,如Internet 在给人们提供海量信息的同时,由于互联网上的信息不同于各类传统出版物上的信息,没有经过严格的审查和评价,准确性、可靠性和可信度受到了广泛的质疑。美国学者Matthew Ciolek [7]曾探讨过因特网的发展,预言WWW (World Wide Web ) 将变为MMM (Multi Media Mediocrity ) 因此,Internet 信息资源的无限、无序、无标准是人们有效利用Internet 信息资源的主要障碍。因此,如何从浩如烟海的因特网中筛选出高质量的信息资源就显得越来越重要,因为它直接影响到用户对Internet 信息资源的开发利用。
鉴于Internet 的种种弊端,如何规范Internet 上的农业信息发布,如何有效